13 Sites in German [de]

Personal blog and galleries.
Ein Blog für Neuigkeiten und Informationen rund um das große Abenteuer in Ultimor.
Die private Webseite von davidak.
hr: Web stranica ekološke udruge Zrmanja Vrelo (Hrvatska).
de: Webseite des Naturschutz Vereins Zrmanja Vrelo (Kroatien).
en: Website of the ecological association Zrmanja Vrelo (Croatia).
A about about queerness, manga, literature, programming, and libre culture. Mostly manga, to be honest.
I'm rixx – my personal home page at rixx.de contains my blog and my current software projects, as well as some other static pages I like to keep handy.
Engineering consultants for embedded Hardware and Software development.
The objective of the project OA2020-DE is to support a large-scale transition of today’s scholarly journals from subscription to open access publishing.
Course material to teach Python with Blender.

(Help with translation and extension is always welcome.)
Homepage of 93-interactive, 3D modelling, animation and audio services from Germany.
The Troisdorfer Linux User Group meets once a month for a workshop.
Homepage of a german club of amateur photographers.
The blog of Thorsten.